By Google Dedicated Search Engine to Improve Network Connectivity

By Google Dedicated Search Engine to Improve Network Connectivity

By custom search engine Google to improve network connectivity. One of the concepts that you need to master on your way get a branch line of the income , it is how to create an internal link content so that your visitors can benefit from what you

They wrote in the past . Traditional internal content means content that you have written previously on the same website. So for example, let’s say you just posted a great new article about laptop computers. One of the ways you can help your readers (and the search engines love it when you help your readers) is to find older posts that you have written that are relevant to the new post and then linking that older content to the new post. So if you had written a post last year where you referred to laptop computers, it would be worth your time to edit that old post to include a keyword link to your new post. Internal linking in this way is one of the secrets to developing a site Google ranks highly.

Finding Internal Keywords on One Site

A quick and easy way to find this sort of internal content is to run a Google search that looks like this: site: “my keyword”

Here are some example of where I search across this website: site: “second income” or income

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This approach works well when you are only thinking about internal linking on one site, but what about if you write on multiple sites? You want to link to relevant keywords across all of your sites just like you do for internal linking on one site. Think of this as the internal network linking. The problem is that the approach discussed above only works with one site, so your word has to run multiple queries to search across all of your sites.

Google Custom Search Engine to the Rescue

Google has a product called Custom Search Engine that will allow you to easily search across all of your sites with one query. Once your CSE is the setup you will be able to easily find older content that you can link back to if appropriate or link from to your new content. Remember, as long is the links are relevant and helpful to your readers, Google will love you for it.

Here are the steps to take to build a simple search engine for your needs:

  • Create a Google Account
  • If you don’t already have a Google account then you need to create one.
  • Create a New Custom Search Engine

Once you are signed in to your Google account, go to Google’s Custom Search Engine page and press the big blue button that says Create a Custom Search Engine. You will be presented with a form requesting some information. These are the only fields you need to change:

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Search engine name: Give it a name like “My Websites”

Search engine description: This is a required field but it really can be anything like “A search engine to span all of my blogs”

Sites to search: This is where you will entire all of your website URLs, one to a line. Just use the domain like “” or “” you don’t need to include the HTTP, the www or anything else.

Check You have read and accepted the Terms of Use and press the Next button.

On the next page, you will be given the option to test the search engine but I wouldn’t bother as it seems to take a minute or so for it to work anyway. Just click the Finish button.

And that’s all you need to do to create your custom search engine. On the last page, you will see your search engine with some links to its homepage and control panel, among other things, for now, all you need to do is to go to the homepage link and try out your new search engine. You will see that the results come back just like a normal Google search, only it is only bringing back results for your websites.

Create a bookmark to your search engine and you then have a great tool for improving your internal network linking.

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How To Make This Even Better

One of the very cool things about this approach is that Google allows you to include sites other than your own. So why not include the websites of other friends in your niche? Now you will find content not only on your internal network but also on your friend’s websites. So using the example I started with, you have written a new article on laptop computers and after using your CSE you find that one of your friends wrote about laptop computers last month. Why not send him an email pointing out your new content and asking if he would link to you? Now you are truly expanding your internal network.

Because they say that a picture speaks a thousand words I have put together a short video demonstrating what I have written about here. Let me know what you think about this method and whether it has been useful for you. Video quality sucks as I haven’t yet figured out how to do this well, but I think the point is put forth.

For another view of the same topic check out How to Use Google Custom Search to Supercharge Your Blog Network Interlinking.

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