How to Write SEO Friendly Title

How to Write SEO Friendly Title

Title is the most important thing which tells entire blog post or web page content summary with just few words and it’s a stark fact that the more appealing title, the more visitors will visit your web page. Sometimes much effort is required to produce the perfectly intelligible title but for some people it’s not a big thing because they are clever and knows how to deal with it but for some folks research is the only powerful strength so you’ll have to do the same if you are one of them, who uses research as a form of key strength.

Keep it short: According to Google’s web page optimization guideline you cannot use more than 60 characters in your title but even though some of us are violate this restriction. If you wish, you can better explain the motive of the post within the 60 characters. People are also preferred to look everything in brief so if you focus on this key fact, it will definitely increase your click through rate.

Be highlighted: Use of such words selected from the entire article which explains almost everything about written article and attracts visitor straightway. For instance:

Within this article I’m telling you the steps to create a better title so I have multiple options to make good title like:

  • Blog post titles best practices
  • Steps to create a better title
  • How to create SEO friendly title
  • Best blog post title tips and tricks
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Similarly, you also need to understand your entire article then it won’t be much harder for you to create an eye catchy title.

Be unique: I know that whenever you start your research the first step is to write unique content and that you find written everywhere and exactly the same thing applies to your title, be creative and unique for better exposure.

Use helping hands: Since seo is entirely dependent on Google but even Google can help us most. With it you can check these things:

  • Keyword Research: Use keyword planner tool to get most related keyword according to blog post topic, after selection do some modifications within your chosen keyword and you’re done.
  • Instant Search: Have you ever noticed that Google shows some auto-generated query as we type in the search bar, you can also take advantage of it by simply typing your primary keyword into search bar and it’ll show you some related title ideas for your post or web page.
  • Adwords PPC results: Big companies are always hire professionals to manage their high budget campaign, so sometimes you can examine their title strategy and there is no shame in it.

Leave argument character: It’s not so prevalent among the web masters but they snatch up the place of other important words, so it’s better to leave these characters such as: &, _, / because Google also allows them to skip from robots.

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Use right keywords: Awesome title gives a solid impression to your search ranking. According to Google, your title sometimes may determines your search ranking position so use some primarily focus keywords into your Meta title tag.

Use brand name: Mention your brand or company name at the last; it’ll help to increase the brand’s popularity and sometimes people just like to use brand name to search the website Seonesia.


The title of the blog post is gaining more importance than ever before so be sure that you will work by paying attention to it cleverly. Please write your opinions, really appreciated.

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